I'm Otto Zlamets, a designer originally from Latvia, currently based in Bremen, Germany.

→ More about me here.
→ All my projects here.

Scroll for some of my most recent work.

You Can Focus - A unique app that helps users stay productive and motivated by focusing on one goal per day.
→ UX Design
→ 2023
With the goal of being an app that explores a new method of keeping you focused, You Can Focus makes that process easy and accessible, building a positive new habit through discipline and mindfulness. My task was to design the app to be as simple, yet effective, as possible, and create an app that helps users with their discipline, productivity, and aspirations through clever experience and app design along with research and data from testers.
Podster - Logotype for a startup store selling headphone cleaning kits.
→ Identity Design
→ 2022
I was tasked with creating an identity for an upcoming seller of headphone cleaning kits. This job required me to create an effective, unique and modern brand, consisting of a logo, logotype, and packaging design. All of these elements have since been implemented on Podster's online store, as well as the package design sent with their products.
Pasazieru Vilciens - Rebranding an identity for a passenger trains in Latvia.
→ Identity Design
→ 2022
As the Latvian Passenger Railways, "Pasazieru Vilciens", finished a purchase of new modernized trains, as well as declaring they would modernize Latvian stations, I created a fictional project to rebrand the company, making a new modern logo to accompany the new rolling stock. This project served as valuable learning to create an identity extremely simple yet recognizable on something as fast-moving as a train.
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